Wadi Shab Coastal

Muscat, Oman
  • Min People : 2
  • Destination Experience

It is a very popular wadi located in the Al Sharqiyah region in Oman. Tourists usually come here for the nature, swim in the fresh water pools or simply to have a barbecue. It lies 140 kilometers from Muscat, located in Tiwi, part of Sur in Al Sharqiyah South Governorate. Certain areas can be covered by boat and some people take pleasure in a refreshing hike through this mountainous region. The key attractive spot of the wadi is the water fall in the cave. You can have an adventurous and thrilling journey to reach here after a roughly 40 minutes of hike and swimming in 2-3 pools with clear blue water and combination of high rise mountains, Greenery palm trees and endless shoreline at such close proximity is the highlight of the scenic beauty of this place.